The metropolitan area of Frankfurt/Rhine-Main – Make it your new home

See where to live and work in the metropolitan area Frankfurt/Rhine-Main in Hessen, Germany. Discover plenty of job opportunities in nursing care as well as livable surroundings with a splendid range of leisure and cultural opportunities.

Frankfurt/Rhine-Main Area
Population and Demographics

Centrally and conveniently located with one of the biggest and most frequented airports of the country, this area is a still rising economic location. With a total population of more than 5.8 million and an area of about 13.000 square kilometers, it is the second largest metropolitan area in Germany. The functional and geographical center of this region is the core city Frankfurt am Main.

Frankfurt/Rhine-Main Area Weather and Climate

Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main Area are located at the northern end of the Upper Rhine Valley, which belongs to one of the climatically warmest regions of Germany. The average annual temperature is 10,5 °C and therefore higher than in other German major cities like Berlin, Hamburg or Munich. So the climate is mild and temperate throughout the year. In winter especially in January there might be some snowy days but usually the snow does not stay very long. The summers are pretty warm with average temperatures of 25-30°C.

Frankfurt/Rhine-Main Area getting around

The area has an established public transport network of regional and national train lines and buses even in the rural territories and subways as well as suburban railways in the big cities. The suburbs and villages in rural regions are well connected with the cities.

Frankfurt/Rhine-Main Area Entertainment

Leben in Deutschland

Zwar bedeutet das neue Umfeld sicherlich auch eine Herausforderung, doch birgt das Arbeiten in Deutschland in erster Linie viele Vorteile. Für viele ist insbesondere die Möglichkeit, einem Erwerb mit gutem Verdienst nach deutschen Standards nachzugehen, das wichtigste Argument. Zudem erhalten Sie die Möglichkeit eine neue Sprache zu lernen, Ihre berufliche Laufbahn um interessante Erfahrungen zu erweitern und neue Kontakte im Ausland zu knüpfen.

Wo wir können, unterstützen wir Sie bei Ihrem neuen Leben im Ausland. Das bedeutet insbesondere, dass wir Ihnen bezugsfertige Betriebswohnungen zur Verfügung stellen. Bereits vor Ihrem neuen beruflichen Start in Deutschland werden Sie sprachlich auf den Aufenthalt in Deutschland vorbereitet. Auch in Hanau steht Ihnen ein Sprachlehrer zur Verfügung.

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Thomas Stenger

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apm Personal-Leasing GmbH 

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